email issue at Xpay response.

Hello, We have an issue in production related to the response from your Xpay system when we try to validate the payment. When the website redirects to XPay to make the payment, it sends this variable to HPP: <input type="hidden" name="LGD_BUYEREMAIL" id="LGD_BUYEREMAIL" value=""/> When XPay comes back to our website, we collect in that same variable the email. But it seems that XPay is sending us the variable with an empty value. In some cases the response does not return the email. Can you help us? We are having a lot of failed payments because of this problem.
7 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
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* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요. * 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
Ayaan6mo ago
Hello @Fausto (, thank you for reach us. Can you share the LGD_OID value that having this problem?
today.lastday6mo ago
@Fausto ( I received a call from the Korean branch via email and reviewed today and yesterday's transaction details. LGD_BUYEREMAIL param was present in all response values. If there is a response value that did not receive LGD_BUYEREMAIL, please leave LGD_OID.
hello, Here is an example of an order number from yesterday that failed to checkout due to this issue. I tested it on 20th May around 9:45-10:00am. 1508343611 1508343612 1508343615 Thank you!
Ayaan6mo ago
Thank you, we appreciate your detailed information.
유부장6mo ago
Hi @Fausto ( @CAMPER KOREA As we checked, you did not performed "Approval" procedure to complete the payment for 1508343611, 1508343612 and 1508343615 As you know, Payment need to perform "authentication" and "authorization (approval)". "authentication" has been completed successfully, but we did not receive "authorization (approval)" from your side to complete the payment You have to aware that user might delete the pre-filled email that you sent via request payment if possible, Please remove the dependency of email at your "authorization (approval)" procedure.
토스페이먼츠 BOT
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