Update payment value by ajax
can i update paymentWidget.renderPaymentMethods(".paymethod-Tosspay-Class", { value: @json($checkoutCharge['total']) }) total value after ajax response
8 replies
how to integrate Naver Pay Kakao Pay credit card payment with tospay payment method
I wnat to add naver payment credit card gateway in the tosspay payment
5 replies
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'requestPayment')
function create_add_form_data($this) { const balanceAmount = '<?php echo $data["balance_amount"]; ?>'; make_remit_form_data('#paymethod-Tosspay-p2u'); const orderId = generateRandomString(20); paymentWidget.requestPayment({ orderId: orderId, orderName: itemName, customerEmail: window.Member['Email'], customerName: window.Member['NickName'], successUrl: window.location.origin + '/tosspay-success.blade.php', failUrl: window.location.origin + '/tosspay-fail.blade.php' }) $($this).append($('<input>', { 'type': 'hidden', 'class': 'dynamic_add_data', 'name': 'cash_amt', 'value': checkout_charge['total' ] })) $($this).append($('<input>', { 'type': 'hidden', 'class': 'dynamic_add_data', 'name': 'ok_success', 'value': true })) return { error: true, msg: '' } }
38 replies
How do I make a dummy payment with Tosspay?
Hey, does anyone know how to make dummy payments using TossPay? I don't have any idea how to pay dummy payments."
5 replies
Check code and please ans this happens
When I use the following code: paymentWidget.renderPaymentMethods(".paymethod-Tosspay-Class", { value: @json($checkoutCharge['total']) }); paymentWidget.renderPaymentMethods(".paymethod-Tosspay-Classdivcont", { value: @json($checkoutCharge['total']) }); I encounter an error(payment-widget:1 Unknown Error SDKBridgeError: Bridge의 응답이 없습니다.). However, when I use only: paymentWidget.renderPaymentMethods(".paymethod-Tosspay-Class", { value: @json($checkoutCharge['total']) }); It works fine. Why does this happen? Why can you please tell me why this happens?
4 replies
Does anyone know why this error occurs and how to resolve it?
Unknown Error SDKBridgeError: Bridge의 응답이 없습니다. at payment-widget:1:264130
14 replies