Luc Le
Luc Le
Is it necessary to import code from "paymentsdk" project into my project?
I am integrating payment widget to Android app with TosPayments Android SDK . I followed the guide how to integrate and I realize when I create a layout XML file for the payment screen. I have to use "<com.tosspayments.paymentsdk.view.PaymentMethodWidget>", so I have to import code from "paymentsdk" project to referent to PaymentMethodWidget class. (I am use version 0.1.2. I knew the class name change to "PaymentMethod" in version 0.1.4). So if I have to import code from "paymentsdk" project, when I update version in build.gradle(App) :"implementation 'com.github.tosspayments:payment-sdk-android:<CURRENT_VERSION>", then I also have to import code from "paymentsdk" project again?
7 replies
Is there any simple payment account (TOSSPAY, NAVERPAY...) for testing supported from Toss payment?
I integrated Toss payment into our application and I am wondering that Is there any simple payment account (TOSSPAY, NAVERPAY, SAMSUNGPAY, KAKAOPAY...) for testing supported from Toss payment?
11 replies