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* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요.
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hi @Ayaan이안
May I have your question again please?
we're using
from the sandbox link: https://developers.tosspayments.com/sandbox?frontend=javascript토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 결제 연동 문서, API, 키, 테스트 내역, 웹훅 등록 등 개발에 필요한 정보와 기능을 확인해 보세요. 결제 연동에 필요한 모든 개발자 도구를 제공해 드립니다.
however, upon the test of the payment itself, we tried to use the
here is what we've got

but I guess any payment method that helps us test would be much appreciated
I see.
Do you use any of Chrome extensions?
let me try the private mode
Some Chrome extensions intercept the request from our page and leads to the error
Do not use the private mode or incognito
guess account then ?
We uses the cookies and session over the cross-origin, so if you use the incognito, you might be see a different error again.
We strongly recommend to use different browser
I'm trying with firefox now
unfortunatelly, same issue

would this because i'm from different country ?
I think there is an error for VISA, can you choose any of the Korean card companies such as “신한“?
In the mean time, the error will be reported to the Toss team.
Nope. We don't limit the country or IP addresses

Just choose any of it
I suggest you to use “일시불“

Actually I guess you’re in Vietnam, I am also in Vietnam so this should not be the case
so I got this one
Cool. This means the popup works.
nope, i'm in France
Oh, I see
are you Vietnamese 🙂
No I am Korean but living in VN
oh, welcome 😄
I will give you the eng docs,
International merchants guide | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
Understand the features and flow of Korean card payments and integrate Toss Payments.
If you click “Do I need a Korean payment method for testing?”, you will see how to skip this 3DS popup page.
However, it might not work in sandbox, and SDK v2;
It only works with Payment Window SDK V1. This version only supports quite an old-school method, but we still support this version of SDK and welcome its use.
I don't see the button/text to click 😦

oh, I have to put it into the code ?
Yeah, you can pass _skipAuth into the code then you can bypass
Integrate payment windows | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
Start your payment window integration. Supported payment methods include card, digital wallets such as TossPay, NaverPay, SamsungPay, KakaoPay etc, transfer, virtual accounts, mobile phone, and gift certificates.
You can see this doc for further information. Please look Version 1 only
forgot to say, but thanks a lot for your help. @Ayaan이안
have a great day!
hi again, sorry to re-bothering you
are you there ?
You can just ask
I'm trying to have a test credit card or paymnent account to test our payment
would it be possible to get around ?
thank you
Sorry we dont provide any test credentials / card information because of the regulations and technical limitations in Korea
Please contact your Korean colleague to get tested.
I understand, thanks a lot
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.