Hi, need help on withdrawal system
I am working on a project which requires a withdrawal system of toss payment. Can someone guide me through how to implement this feature?
23 Replies
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what means a withdrawal system ? Could you explain more?
Like how much money I like to withdraw. For example- in my account I have 10000$ and I like to withdraw 4000$. In my project I need to show that I withdrawed 4000$ dollar.
Tosspayments does not support transfer from person to person.
so Who get the 4000$ after withdraw?
The person who withdrawed the the money
So how the withdraw system works in tosspayment?
Tosspayment only provides payment system that means someone can buy and pay it in e-commerce site.
Ok thanks for the information. If I need help I will message here!
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
For example-I am working on multi vender e-commerce website. Here, users will buy multiple products from multiple sellers. User will buy multiple products using toss-payment. i would like to pay the sellers using toss payment is it possible?
@Kimoon Lee
Of course you can. First of all, you need to have a business registration certificate registered in Korea. TossPayments does not yet act as a PSP (Payment Service Provider) that mediates transactions between global businesses. If you are a global business, you need to contract with a company that can mediate transactions between global businesses, such as Stripe or Adyen.
From several months ago, Stripe officially started the Korean market support.
My project is nanny hiring like- parent will hire the nanny and upon hiring the parent will pay the admin in tosspayment from there a percentage will be send to the nanny and admin will take a small percentage. how can I do it?
@김차장 @Kimoon Lee Can you guys help me here?
This type of business has some limitations when you use Toss Payments.
This type of business requires Korea business license, and you will need to use "Seller settlement agency" service (aka 정산지급대행) that operating by Toss Payments so you will need to make additional contract.
If you're interested in, please let us know you have a business license that registered from Korea or not.
I think addtional contract part will done by the owner.
Is it possible to implement these features?
It is possible and you must have business license in Korea
Also you need korean collegues to operate it because "Seller settlement agency" service operates with the seller KYC program.
to complete the KYC program for the sellers, you need a lot of operation resources to do that.
Just for clarify, the additional contract should be done by your business.
And it should be in charge with the Korean collegues.
If your business is not for Korean business, you will need to find other way to made this.
I think the owner has all of that! can you provide the documentation for this?
Sure, but you will need to use the translator as the docs written in Korean
OK, Can you provide the link ?
Please give me a sec
Glossary docs: https://docs.tosspayments.com/resources/glossary/payout
API docs: https://docs.tosspayments.com/guides/v2/payouts
Useful information blog: https://www.tosspayments.com/blog/transfer_delegation
If you're interested for this, and your business has the Korean collegues, please ask them to contact
+82-1544-7772 to get more information.
토스페이먼츠 결제연동팀
@Ayaan이안 how do you handle payout?
Wdym by payout? Please explain in detail as many English terms have different meanings in Korean.