yb3mo ago

지급대행 Encryption Javascript 버전

import { compactDecrypt, CompactEncrypt } from 'jose';
import { uuidv4 } from 'lib0/random';

const encrypt = async (target: object, securityKey: string) => {
// securityKey is a 64 character Hexadecimal string, change it to a byte array
const key = Buffer.from(securityKey, 'hex');
const keyInUint8Array = new Uint8Array(key);
const payload = JSON.stringify(target);
const payloadAsUint8Array = new TextEncoder().encode(payload);

const encryption = new CompactEncrypt(payloadAsUint8Array);
const encrypted = await encryption
alg: 'dir',
enc: 'A256GCM',
iat: new Date().toISOString(),
nonce: uuidv4(),
return encrypted;

const decrypt = async (encrypted: string, securityKey: string) => {
const key = Buffer.from(securityKey, 'hex');

const keyInUint8Array = new Uint8Array(key);
const decryption = await compactDecrypt(encrypted, keyInUint8Array);
const plainTextInUint8Array = decryption.plaintext;
// decode the plain text from Uint8Array to string in utf-8
const plainText = new TextDecoder().decode(plainTextInUint8Array);
return JSON.parse(plainText) as object;

export { encrypt, decrypt };
import { compactDecrypt, CompactEncrypt } from 'jose';
import { uuidv4 } from 'lib0/random';

const encrypt = async (target: object, securityKey: string) => {
// securityKey is a 64 character Hexadecimal string, change it to a byte array
const key = Buffer.from(securityKey, 'hex');
const keyInUint8Array = new Uint8Array(key);
const payload = JSON.stringify(target);
const payloadAsUint8Array = new TextEncoder().encode(payload);

const encryption = new CompactEncrypt(payloadAsUint8Array);
const encrypted = await encryption
alg: 'dir',
enc: 'A256GCM',
iat: new Date().toISOString(),
nonce: uuidv4(),
return encrypted;

const decrypt = async (encrypted: string, securityKey: string) => {
const key = Buffer.from(securityKey, 'hex');

const keyInUint8Array = new Uint8Array(key);
const decryption = await compactDecrypt(encrypted, keyInUint8Array);
const plainTextInUint8Array = decryption.plaintext;
// decode the plain text from Uint8Array to string in utf-8
const plainText = new TextDecoder().decode(plainTextInUint8Array);
return JSON.parse(plainText) as object;

export { encrypt, decrypt };
Node 환경에서 구현한 간단한 예시입니다 🙂
5 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
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ybOP3mo ago
지급대행하기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
지급대행은 오픈마켓을 운영하는 사업자 대신 토스페이먼츠가 셀러(입점 판매자)에게 대금 지급을 대행 해주는 서비스예요.
ybOP3mo ago
이곳에 JS가 없어서 따로 구현했습니다!
Ayaan이안3mo ago
공유해 주셔서 감사합니다. ☺️
토스페이먼츠 BOT
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.

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