Pre Production testing for Toss Payment Widget Integration Key in lower environments.

Hi Toss Team, We have implemented the new Toss Payment Widget Integration in our Development and we are planning to release to Production in coming 2 weeks. Could you let me know if we can configure and test toss payments Production keys in Staging/ Development instances, so that we could validate the credentials and confirm the functionality is working fine prior to Production release. Also, let us know the what are the Pre producution activities that needs to be taken care as part of Toss Payment Widget Integration deployment. Thanks
31 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
오류 문의일 경우 아래 정보를 미리 전달해주시면, 빠른 답변에 도움이 됩니다.
- 주문번호(orderId) : - 문의 내용 :
(img를 함께 첨부해주시면 도움이됩니다)
* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요. * 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
Ayaan3mo ago
Hi, thank you for reach us. Absolutely! You can try configuring with live key information and make test transaction, as long as THE CONTRACT OF YOUR LIVE MID IS FINISHED. You can find your live key information on Developers Portal. Step-by-step guide 1. Go to and log in. 2. Select your company from the sidebar dropdown. 3. Go to the API Keys page and click on “Live” and get the key starting with live_g(ck|sk). If you are at all unsure about the status of your contract, this is a good time to contact your Toss Payments onboarding staff. If you do not know who your company's designated onboarding staff is or have language difficulties, please share the MID you previously used in your test environment. We can check it for you.
Ayaan3mo ago
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Ayaan3mo ago
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Ayaan3mo ago
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Ayaan3mo ago
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Thanks @Ayaan for the above information. Do we need to whitelist anything for the Webhook calls on Production instance?
Ayaan3mo ago
Yes you have to.
Ayaan3mo ago
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Ayaan3mo ago
Please add this 4 IPs into your firewall, as INBOUND
Hi @Ayaan - I have one question on the response that we get from for Confirm API. When we placed any order with Easypay, we are getting the response of the Provider in Korean language (카카오페이). How do we get it in english text so that we can utilize it in our Order Export? { "mId": "tmcmkorea2022", "lastTransactionKey": "723F49D06408C1DE0D3E194F83FF0A30", "paymentKey": "tmcmk20240924142528QSQD9", "orderId": "00002507", "orderName": "Aren 비세토스 크로스바디", "taxExemptionAmount": 0, "status": "DONE", "requestedAt": "2024-09-24T14:25:28+09:00", "approvedAt": "2024-09-24T14:26:18+09:00", "useEscrow": false, "cultureExpense": false, "card": { "issuerCode": "61", "acquirerCode": "61", "number": "433028**", "installmentPlanMonths": 0, "isInterestFree": false, "interestPayer": null, "approveNo": "00168055", "useCardPoint": false, "cardType": "신용", "ownerType": "개인", "acquireStatus": "READY", "amount": 950000 }, "virtualAccount": null, "transfer": null, "mobilePhone": null, "giftCertificate": null, "cashReceipt": null, "cashReceipts": null, "discount": null, "cancels": null, "secret": "ps_LkKEypNArW1o0MoyQARe3lmeaxYG", "type": "NORMAL", "easyPay": { "provider": "카카오페이", "amount": 0, "discountAmount": 0 }, "country": "KR", "failure": null, "isPartialCancelable": true, "receipt": { "url": "" }, "checkout": { "url": "" }, "currency": "KRW", "totalAmount": 950000, "balanceAmount": 950000, "suppliedAmount": 863636, "vat": 86364, "taxFreeAmount": 0, "method": "간편결제", "version": "2022-11-16", "metadata": null }
Ayaan3mo ago
Please send Accept-Language as en-US on your api call header
Is it mentioned anywhere in the Doc?
Ayaan3mo ago
yes we mentioned let me give you a link
ok Also If I changed it to en-US the popup will display in Korean or English?
Ayaan3mo ago
International Merchants Guide | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
Understand the features and flow of Korean card payments and integrate Toss Payments.
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Ayaan3mo ago
Nope only for APIs Stay as privious behaviour
ok, earlier in LGU+, we were using "LGD_EASYPAY_TRANTYPE" field from the response as payment type. Don't we have any alternate field similar to that?
Ayaan3mo ago
You're now trying to use Toss new SDK and RestAPI right?
Ayaan3mo ago Please take a look our OpenAPI Specification here
코어 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Ayaan3mo ago
you will get easyPay.provider as an alternative of LGD_EASYPAY_TRANTYPE
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Ayaan3mo ago
easyPay.provider will be one of these (enums)
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토스페이먼츠 BOT
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
Hi @Ayaan - Could you point me to the document where it is mentioned for Whitelisting the IPs for web-hooks call? Usually, for any INBOUND call from Toss to SFCC, we don't need to whitelist. Just want to cross check the document.
Ayaan3mo ago
Afternoon - Here you are. You may need to use Google Translate as this document only supports Korean.
보안 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 API의 보안 정책과 방화벽 설정하는 방법을 안내합니다.
Hi @Ayaan - I have reached out to our SFCC support to check whether we need to whitelist anything in our Firewal in order to receive the Webhook calls from Toss. They told, If the port that you are using to make a connection with SFCC for webhooks call is 443 then it is not needed for any IP whitelisting as port 443 is open. Could you let me know which port Toss server use to make a webhooks call from Toss to SFCC?
Ayaan3mo ago
Ok, In that case, we don't need to whitelist anything from SFCC firewall to receive webhooks call from Toss in Production environment.
Ayaan3mo ago
Do we need to whitelist anything from Toss end as connection happens from both end? Ex: Our server port and IP addresses.
Ayaan3mo ago
Nope, you dont need to whitelist anything