Sheetal7mo ago

Hi Toss Team, Had a query regarding the partial refund .

1. I am trying to initiate partail refund from the test enviroment, it gives me { "code": "NOT_ALLOWED_PARTIAL_REFUND_WAITING_DEPOSIT", "message": "입금 대기중인 ê²°ì œëŠ” 부분 환불이 불가합니다." } How do I complete the deposit in the test environment after placing the order. 2. If I am using webhook for cancellation, what all things need to be configured, what will be the reponse we will be getting.. How much time will it take to initiate the webhook? Please provide detail steps to configure webhook Thanks Sheetal Jain
18 Replies
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Ayaan이안7mo ago
Can you please let us know the orderId for the transaction that you got "not allowed partial refund waiting deposit" error please?
SheetalOP7mo ago
Hello, this is the transaction key tmcmk20240821195750vObL9
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
It is a vitrual account payment and it was not deposited That's why the partial cancel is not working.
SheetalOP7mo ago
Yes we were testing the virtual account.. Is there any means by which we can make a deposit in test environment? For virtua; accounts And how about the 2nd question about the webhooks
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
you can depoit it via our developer center. the webhook will be initiated in real-time.
SheetalOP7mo ago
Can you help me with the steps to deposit in developer center, I tried but didnt find any option there. For Webhook, cant we do in our test environment
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
what is your MID?
For Webhook, cant we do in our test environment
No it is possible in test env here is the spec of webhook
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
웹훅(Webhook) 연결하기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 결제, 브랜드페이, 지급대행 상태에 변경사항이 있을 때 웹훅으로 실시간 업데이트를 받아보세요. 웹훅이란 데이터가 변경되었을 때 실시간으로 알림을 받을 수 있는 기능이에요.
SheetalOP7mo ago
does it mean, we cannot configure webhook for test envitonment
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
No you can.
Ayaan이안7mo ago
You should be able to configure webhook for test env If there's other reason for not able to configure webhook on test env, please let us know - we will find how you can test it on other ways
SheetalOP7mo ago
Even if I am configuring for cancel , but I am not getting the response from the webhook.. only 3 steps to be followed right, registering the webhook.. Can you give me details about how the web hook gets triggreed.. Do we have to do any trigger from develop center?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
did you set up "CANCEL_STATUS_CHANGED" event?
SheetalOP7mo ago
SheetalOP7mo ago
If you can see the screenshot
No description
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
You need to set up PAYMENT_STATUS_CHANGED NOT CANCEL_STATUS_CHANGED CANCEL_STATUS_CHANGED only works for internationally wallets
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