Ali8mo ago

Integration of toss brand pay and additional queries

Dear Toss Team, I am pleased to inform you that my developer has successfully integrated the basic Toss payment window into one of my applications. After discovering how user-friendly Toss Brand Pay is, I decided to implement it in my app. I have now received my store ID and approval for using Toss Brand Pay. I have a couple of questions regarding further integration: 1. For my WordPress front-end, can I use the same plugin that I currently utilize for normal payments, or do I need to hire a developer again to create a new plugin specifically for Toss Brand Pay? Is there any other way to integrate Toss Brand Pay into my WordPress site? 2. I have another application under the same business license, but with a different app name. Can I use the same Toss payment system for this second app? If yes, how can I obtain the test keys or live keys for this additional app? I appreciate your prompt response to my queries. Thank you and best regards, Ali
4 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
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* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요. * 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
Ayaan이안8mo ago
Hi @Ali, thank you for reach us. For your first question, TossPayments do not provide official plugin for Wordpress, and BrandPay is completely different product, so you are required to develop the plugin again with Korean developers. If you think you can keep go ahead for developing BrandPay plugin, and you already got a merchant ID (MID), you have to manually develop the payment process which TossPayments provide the documentation in Korean language on the website: ----------------------------- For your second question, you may need to make new merchant ID and Client/Secret Key for different service. For about this, please contact to TossPayments Contract Team via call/email: +82-2-1544-7772 / As soon as your new contract is done and merchant ID is issued, you can get your client/secret key for test/live on TossPayments Developer Center: Please don't hesitate to left questions on this thread if you need more help. Thank you for using Toss Payments' service!
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