Ashley5mo ago

Integration with Hubspot

Hello, My landing page is hosted on Hubspot. It is built with drag and drop blocks. One of the block is text, and I can add HTML code there. How can I integrate Toss by copy pasting some HTML code in that page? Thank you.
11 Replies
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김차장5mo ago
Hi, there There are no plugins available for HubSpot yet. You can integrate TossPayments payments without using a plugin. However, when communicating with the backend using apiKey, the apiKey must not be exposed in the web browser. Please check separately whether HubSpot provides this feature. Please refer to here for integration.
Ashley5mo ago
Hi, thank you for the reply. But I still can't make sense of the documentation. When I copy paste this code, I see a "Pay now" button, but nothing happens when clicking on it. About the apiKey, what am I supposed to ask Hubspot? It's not clear to me. Thanks.
Integrate Payment Widgets | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
The Toss Payments Widget is a low code solution that only needs to be integrated once for all payment types and customization features.
김차장5mo ago
Hi, Payment Window is better for you than widget. "1. Add the SDK,~~~ " refers to frontend development "2. Resquest Payment Authorization" is backend development. clientKey is used in the frontend, apiKey is used in backend. To use the javascript SDK, you must be able to import javascript from the no-code tool you want to use and set the apiKey separately to use it for API communication.
Integrate the Payment Window | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
Learn how to integrate Toss Payments with Payment Window.
Ayaan5mo ago
For the button action, you need to manually run the requestPayment() function by the button’s onclick event trigger. It doesn't work if you don't run the function by the trigger.
Ashley5mo ago
Sorry, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do, I'm not a developer. Can you provide step by step instructions?
Ayaan5mo ago
You can read this docs for step-by-step guide. If you are not a developer, you also can ask your developer to join this discord so they can know what your team supposed to do.
Ashley5mo ago
I don't have a developer, I'm a solopreneur. I don't think Toss will work for me, too complicated. Thanks.
Ayaan5mo ago
Hmm, I am sorry for hear that. If you're trying to make business on Korea, I can say that other PG services are more complicated. I recommend to use a no-code services such as Bubble to develop your shops as we support Bubble as official. Anyways, if you have any further inquiries, please feel free to left the post here.
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