jason3mo ago

didn't find the add card and save card ID flow

We would like to add Card from the mobile App (developed in Flutter) and save card ID in backend database, from backend we will charge customer from that saved card when needed, so how do we do that? We have checked this already, checked almost whole document but didn't find the execat flow to add card and save card in backend. We find remove card api, charge customer api, but didn't find the add card and save card ID flow.
36 Replies
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Ayaan3mo ago
Good afternoon @jason, thank you for reach us. Which product are you trying to use? Is it paymentWidget? billing payment? brandpay?...
jason3mo ago
It's brand pay @Ayaan
Ayaan3mo ago
Got it. First, just for clarify, you cannot save the card number because of the Korean law. Why do you want to save card information on your service?
sunil0083mo ago
Hi @Ayaan , We not want to save card info, we want to save card on payment gateway and want to save card ID on our server, so later on we can charge customer using that card id
Ayaan3mo ago
Yes, Toss saves card data with CustomerKey that you sent on our SDK. So you dont need to get any card information including card ID data, just simply save the customerKey and query to Toss API with the customerKey params.
sunil0083mo ago
Hi @Ayaan thanks, can you share document if it is avialble, I will check it and try
Ayaan3mo ago
Only Korean version is available. But I hope you can use in-browser google translate feature in Chrome Browser. If you are using Brandpay with PaymentWidget SDK which is newly deployed: https://docs.tosspayments.com/guides/payment-widget/integration-brandpay If you are using BrandPay SDK: https://docs.tosspayments.com/guides/brandpay/integration
sunil0083mo ago
Hi @Ayaan , Thanks, let me check it
sunil0082mo ago
Hi @Ayaan , I have checked it, What I need is automatic payment using billing key. I am not able to find How can I add card from Flutter App and get "authKey", can you please let me know this? Or is there any other mode available where I can use Featue like "automatic payment using billing key"
No description
Ayaan2mo ago
authKey should be returned on your redirectUrl(if you are using webview to implement this) or return event(if you are using SDK directly). @sunil008
sunil0082mo ago
I am not able to find it in SDK, can you share me the document url if possible? Also In webhook I am not able to find webhook for "Add Card" response
Ayaan2mo ago
Which document did you found that information?
sunil0082mo ago
코어 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Ayaan2mo ago
This is not brandpay, this is billing payment which is completely different product.
sunil0082mo ago
Ayaan2mo ago
Are you actually want to use BrandPay? I want to clarify this first.
sunil0082mo ago
Can you help me with the flow which one I should use? I want automatic payment with Billing key
Ayaan2mo ago
Automatic Payment?
sunil0082mo ago
Yes Because I want to save card referenceId (BillingKey) to server and want to charge using that
Ayaan2mo ago
Our automatic product is designed for case of regularly over a set period of time. Do you think your business is suitable with this?
sunil0082mo ago
No, I want save customer card and I charge after the use of service
Ayaan2mo ago
So you are going to use automatic payment without any scheduled, regularly payment right?
sunil0082mo ago
Yes, automatic payment without any scheduled
Ayaan2mo ago
Alright. For this case, "BrandPay with BillingPayment" is more suitable I guess. If you want, you can use normal billingpayment, but you will get very hard screening processes on this case. There is a document (sadly only Korean supported, but as I mentioned you can use in-browser translation for this) that allows you to look at it.
sunil0082mo ago
Sorry, but can you please share link for "BrandPay with BillingPayment" ?
Ayaan2mo ago
브랜드페이 JavaScript SDK | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
브랜드페이 JavaScript SDK를 추가하고 메서드를 사용하는 방법을 알아봅니다.
브랜드페이 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
브랜드페이에서 제공하는 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Ayaan2mo ago
Please note, All Billing Payment products needs extra contract and needs the extra screening process to make contract. If you want to learn more about contract and screening, please contact contract@tosspayments.com
sunil0082mo ago
Hi @Ayaan , Thanks for this info. I have checked this "https://docs.tosspayments.com/reference/brandpay-sdk#requestagreement%EC%95%BD%EA%B4%80-%ED%95%AD%EB%AA%A9" but We are using Flutter App for Client interface, I have try to find same method of add card using Flutter but didn;t find It. can you help me with this as well.
브랜드페이 JavaScript SDK | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
브랜드페이 JavaScript SDK를 추가하고 메서드를 사용하는 방법을 알아봅니다.
Ayaan2mo ago
Sorry it seems like Toss doesn't support flutter for brandpay yet. I suggest you to develop your brandpay system with Web frameworks and use inappwebview to load this. @sunil008
sunil0082mo ago
@Ayaan , instead of that can I use automatic payment? So from mobile App I can call the API of Add card and send auth key to server. is this a good way instead of web view?
Ayaan2mo ago
It may has a risk of skipping verification steps, which known as 3DS in overseas. If you can't use webview and you should use API, yes you can, but it can be cause an issue on screening process by card companies in Korea. More for this, I suggest you to message to Toss's contract team because I am not Toss Employee and I can't make you sure.
sunil0082mo ago
Hi @Ayaan Thank You for your support. I will check the Flutter flow else will make the webview as you suggested.
jason2mo ago
혹시 한국어도 가능하신가요? @Ayaan
Ayaan2mo ago
네 가능합니다. 한국어 영어 가능하고, 저는 베트남어로도 조금 소통할 수 있어 편하신 언어로 문의주시면 됩니다. Yes, thank you for your understanding. Toss only supports official Flutter library just for normal transactions (not repeated), so please kindly understand that situation. Please left your message here if you need any further help. I & Toss team will review and reply for you.
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