Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago

Testing payment credit card

Do we have any testing credit card or we have to use a real one? And do we have the other language in the window payment? thanks guys
70 Replies
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
No, we only support real credit card. and we only support other language in the international card payment window.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
can I ask where is the international card payment window?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Do you use payment widget or payment window?
Ayaan11mo ago
Hello, nice to meet you! Are you currently developing using “payment-widget” or “payment-window”? Depending on the development method, the international payment screen loading method is different, so you need to check this information. @Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
im using payment widget but can u show me the difference between widget and window
Ayaan11mo ago
Got it! Thank you for sharing.
Ayaan11mo ago
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Ayaan11mo ago
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Ayaan11mo ago
@Baro aka be bao The payment-widget service, unlike the existing payment-window" is a new standard payment system that renders the payment screen as a widget on your site without the need to open a new window to select the payment method provided by tosspayments.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
@Ayaan where could I set the other language of payment-widget
Ayaan11mo ago
cc @냥과장
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
payment-widget does not support multi language you can use international card only payment window please refer the link
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
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Ayaan11mo ago
Or if you want to use Paypal for international payment, then you can use widget. (Korean language only)
PayPal 연동하기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 결제위젯 SDK로 PayPal 해외 간편결제를 연동하는 가이드입니다. 결제위젯으로 간편하게 주문서 페이지의 결제 UI를 연동할 수 있기 때문에 해외 간편결제 연동에 추천하는 방법입니다.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
im using payment-widget-sample/react demo i add the prop in the line of 101 like the image, but when it open, it still not showing english
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
"다국어 결제창에서는 비자, 마스터, JCB, 유니온페이(중국은련)를 지원합니다. 테스트 환경에서는 비자, 마스터, JCB만 지원합니다. 해외에서 발급한 카드만 사용할 수 있습니다." foreign language supports only internaltional card payment window. you need to set up international card button on the widget
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
why i dont see the set up international card button on the widget
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
I seems your merchant did not request international card payment. Could you share the MID?
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
i have not sign the contract yet, we have to have the contract to get mid in order to use the international card payment?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
yes you must have a contact to use the international card payment
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
but why the client tell me that in order to have a contact, we have to successful intergration in to the website, then TOSS would sign the contract with them is that correct
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
you need the test site for the domestic card payment, and international card is an add-on.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
so before sign the contract, we need to have the test site integrate with toss payment for the domestic cart payment. After integrating, we will request to sign the contract?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
yes you are right
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
hmm, im a foreign developer so its so hard to work with the payment-widget only has korean
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Payment methods are totally different from foreign payment. and payment-widget also very unique concept. But we dont have many request from foreign developers so all widget related documents are based on korean. you can use chrome translate in
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
i used it, but in the demo, it cant translate to english @냥과장 if i use a real credit card to make a payment in testing, it will automatically refund at midnight right?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
no it is not real payment with test key
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
so how can i get the testing credit card
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
You need to get a support from your korean collegues.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
it must be a domestic card right?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
what if i have a domestic card, all the info has to be input correct in order to make the payment success huh? in testing mode or just need the number of the card correct
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
please refer this guide
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
korean card payment system is different from general card payment.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
@냥과장 hey can I ask what is the purpose of the customerKey
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
it is for the identifying the customer
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
so it can be anything as long as it unique. Right?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
Im testing with the credit card of "woori bank". Is the option that i pick on the image above correct?
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
yes Actually. woori card
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
hmm, it is required that i need an app to pay
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
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Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
both option need scan QR
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
yes so you need a korean collegue help
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
ohhh does every domestic card when paying must need the app to make a payment in toss pament?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
actually, it is not required on our side. it is from the card companies.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
In the image 1, i pick the first option, it head me to the image 2, I click to the blue button, head me to the image 3, what i should do when i come to step as the image 3
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Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
it downloaded some files. I dont know why i have to download it for any purpose
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
It is security module and It is processed by each card company. So I really do not know what is doing in the card company pages. But some korean people who have woori card know how they make a payment in this page. So we do not concern about it.
Ayaan11mo ago
As @냥과장 said, it is security add-on plugin - that uses from card companies such as woori card. In Korea, use app-card authentication and/or classic general authentication with those modules, instead of other verification process, such as OTP verification in Napas in VN.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
@Ayaan @냥과장 thanks for your support alot !! I have make a payment sucessfully
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Sounds Grest!!
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
its feeling great when paying success
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
Can we modify the UI of the selecting payment method form guys?
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
yes you can do it in our admin page
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
so to have an admin page, we must sign the contract
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
thank you !!! @냥과장 Can I ask in the response field after confirming payment, which field is the "transactionID" it will has 2 fields, one is order Id which is mine order id, and the other field is toss-transaction-id
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
Could you check the sample of toss-transaction-id? Actually, we don't return toss-transaction-id in our response.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
"금액의 소수점 자릿수를 통화 기준에 맞춰주세요" if i let the value is 100.5 it will show the error, could I ask how to handle this problem? I dont want to round the number
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
KRW only allows integer.
Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
thank you !!!
토스페이먼츠 BOT
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Baro aka be bao
Baro aka be bao11mo ago
does toss-platform accept payment with small amount like 10won, 100won guys?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee11mo ago
minimun is 100won
Ayaan11mo ago
Minimum amount is 100 KRW. you should send the parameter as larger than 100 KRW, otherwise you will get 400 error