Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul Hasan14mo ago

Is tosspay accept domestic card?

I try to create payment with some bank card like Hana bank, Kookmin Bank and other bank accounts card payment. i try to make payment with create random card number and random cvc/cvv code. But get incorrect or wrong message. How could i test those bank card?
49 Replies
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Ayaan이안14mo ago
You can do with correct bin number
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@Ayaan I tried with many bin number. but the payment process can not complete. The problem with cvv/cvc code.
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Are you trying to pay with credit card or pay with tosspay? @Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@Ayaan yes i try random card number
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Are you paying with tosspay? Credit card doesn't need CVC num please screenshot where you are struggling with
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@Ayaan please wait
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
this is my request payload
No description
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Are you using API for request payment?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
i want to pay with hana bank
No description
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Did you select 하나Pay right?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Can I have a orderId and your MID please?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
orderId: orderID7i mid: tvivarepublica
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Are you using test key that provided in docs?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Do you have live MID for your company? Do your company has contract with tosspayments?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
Ayaan이안14mo ago
then please test with your company's test key and please let me know the orderId and MID because test key that provided in docs is public, so there are too many logs going on
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
ok please wait @Ayaan i think my Credit card process done but Samsungpay is not work when i click checkout link go to error page { "method":"간편결제", "amount":10000, "orderId":"{{orderIdN}}", "orderName":"토스 티셔츠 외 2건", "successUrl":"https://www.localhost.com/", "flowMode": "DIRECT", "easyPay" : "SAMSUNGPAY", "failUrl":"https://www.errorhost.com/" } "mId": "tskytkomge6", "lastTransactionKey": null, "paymentKey": "ZDBYqJLQ1GKNbdOvk5rkj7lLGQEBKAVn07xlzmj6R9e4oPpE", "orderId": "orderID6p",
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Which error did you received when you do with Samsungpay?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
after hit v1/payments/ get checkout url then if i click it take me failurl without showing any think Code is PAY_PROCESS_ABORTED Same for Account Transfer
Ayaan이안14mo ago
give me all orderIds that you got error then Tossteam will check the server log for it
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
for account transfer : orderIDic For Samsungpay : orderIDq8 @Ayaan any update?
Ayaan이안14mo ago
Toss team needs to investgate it, so it might be take some times I think this issue will follow-up next Monday. Now it is evening(out of working hours) in Korea, so please understand us. cc @OMG
OMG14mo ago
@Hasibul Hasan Would you try to call the end point "/v1/payments/confirm" with the paymentKey after authentication succeeded? https://docs.tosspayments.com/reference#결제-승인
코어 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@OMG yes i do this
OMG14mo ago
I'm investigating the log regarding tskytkomge6, but it's never been called "v1/payment/confirm". Would you try it again and let me know the orderId or paymentKey now? @Hasibul Hasan I'll check while you're doing a test. I can see your last orderId is "orderIDpk" about 10 miniutes ago, it was not also called /v1/payment/confirm.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@OMG Sorry about that i just call v1/payments/ for create payment
OMG14mo ago
That's right. The paymentKey you receieved is "mvbBAMKdpoeqRGgYO1r5P1WRMLn5AaVQnN2Eyazx0596wLj4" right?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
from checkout url when i click on checkout url. it redirect me in failed url let ne check
OMG14mo ago
Ok. I'll also look into it.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
{ "method":"계좌이체", "amount":20000, "orderId":"{{orderIdN}}", "orderName":"Ecommerce Purches", "successUrl":"https://localhost:8000/failurl", "useEscrow": false, "failUrl":"https://localhost:8000/failurl" } { "mId": "tskytkomge6", "lastTransactionKey": null, "paymentKey": "WkABYDxNyJQbgMGZzorznjMvaOX7jrl5E1em4dKva7XL9njP", "orderId": "orderIDpi", "orderName": "Ecommerce Purches", "taxExemptionAmount": 0, "status": "READY", "requestedAt": "2023-11-13T12:02:12+09:00", "approvedAt": null, "useEscrow": false, "cultureExpense": false, "card": null, "virtualAccount": null, "transfer": null, "mobilePhone": null, "giftCertificate": null, "cashReceipt": null, "cashReceipts": null, "discount": null, "cancels": null, "secret": null, "type": "NORMAL", "easyPay": null, "country": "KR", "failure": null, "isPartialCancelable": true, "receipt": null, "checkout": { "url": "https://api.tosspayments.com/v1/payments/WkABYDxNyJQbgMGZzorznjMvaOX7jrl5E1em4dKva7XL9njP/checkout" }, "currency": "KRW", "totalAmount": 20000, "balanceAmount": 20000, "suppliedAmount": 18182, "vat": 1818, "taxFreeAmount": 0, "method": null, "version": "2022-11-16" } i try to make order again.. when i click checkout link it shows me https://localhost:8000/failurl?code=PAY_PROCESS_ABORTED&message=Toss%20Payments%EC%99%80%20%EA%B3%84%EC%95%BD%EB%90%9C%20%EA%B2%B0%EC%A0%9C%EC%88%98%EB%8B%A8%EC%9D%B4%20%EC%95%84%EB%8B%99%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4.&orderId=orderIDpi this @OMG
OMG14mo ago
I see. You're using checkout.url which is deprecated. In order to call payment window, please refer the below link. https://docs.tosspayments.com/guides/payment/integration#1-결제창-띄우기
OMG14mo ago
And you'll get response after authentication success, and redirected to the successUrl. Then the successUrl contains paymentKey, orderId, and amount as query parameters as follow. https://{ORIGIN}/success?paymentKey={PAYMENT_KEY}&orderId={ORDER_ID}&amount={AMOUNT}
OMG14mo ago
If orerId and amount is same as your request, then you should do payment approval via "/v1/payments/confirm". https://docs.tosspayments.com/reference#결제-승인
코어 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
토스페이먼츠 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
we using api without sdk version. we have to use api only. @OMG without creating paymet how can i get paymentkey in /confirm..
OMG14mo ago
Oh, understood. I thought you're using sdk version as we provide only sdk version in docs now. The error code you faced above is that your merchant has not contract "Bank Transfer", but your merchant has contract "Card" only. So it failed.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
okay got it. one more Q. is it right way for creating order? by calling /v1/payment @OMG
OMG14mo ago
Yes, when you call /v1/payment and will get checkout.url as a response. checkout.url is to show the payment window for the customer.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@OMG Was tosspay provide any webhook for without "Expair" for /v1/payments api?
OMG14mo ago
@Hasibul Hasan What is "Expair" ?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
@OMG payment status. Which we get from webhook. "EXPIRED" Sorry for my misspelling.
OMG14mo ago
Oh got it. "EXPIRED" could be sent when there is no action after the payment window popped up.
OMG14mo ago
웹훅(Webhook) 연동하기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
웹훅은 데이터가 변경되었을 때 상점 서버에서 실시간으로 알림을 받을 수 있는 기능입니다. 웹훅을 연동해서 결제 상태 변경, 지급대행 실행, 브랜드페이 고객 결제수단 업데이트와 같은 변경 사항을 실시간으로 받아보세요.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP14mo ago
yeah i know. our system is depends on webhook response. from webhook we get only "EXPIRED" status for "v1/payment " api. Suppose we hit this api then go to the checkout url. complete payment then did not call "confirm" api. In here we will wait for the webhook responded. if get response then our system will call confirm api. can we get any other status in webhook? @OMG
OMG14mo ago
For example, the blue colored status of the flow is the status which webhook called above the link. So if you do not call confirm api, then you'll get "EXPIRED" only. The other status are received after calling either "confirm" api or "cancel" api.
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