Android app that pays with Payco, doesn't navigate to payment screen if user is not logged in
I am making Payco payments with easyPay.
On Android, if the user has not logged into Payco, after logging in Payco will not automatically navigate to the payment screen, the user must return to the original application to click on Payco again. If Payco is already signed in then that works fine.
This error only occurs on Android, iOS works stably.
I want to ask is there any way to handle this error, is this error on TossPayment or Payco side? Please see attached video, thanks!
Google Docs
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Are you Korean ?
plz left question in just one board.
@이실장 I am from Vietnam, I deleted the post on the other side, please reply me here. Thank
It seems Payco does not support this case, so please guide them to pay again after payco login.
Thank you for the answer
Yes, It is Payco's bug - so we can not solve this issue currently.
If you have another question, please let us know - also i can speak vietnamese so i can help you
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.