quannguyen2y ago

SAP how I can get selected payment method after calling renderPaymentMethods

@Neojack how can I get the selected payment method after calling renderPaymentMethods to pass it to requestPayment's first parameter
9 Replies
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
it is not possible.
quannguyen2y ago
so how can I know which method user selected, do I need to make an UI myself
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
why you need make your UI with paymentwidget? if you need to something depends on payment method, it is better not to use payment widget.
quannguyen2y ago
yes Im using the payment widget. Okay i have seen the example it seem the sdk has already handle the select event. Thank you
quannguyen2y ago
@냥과장 just one more question. When Im in test environment. Will my money lost if I enter my card info here
No description
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
No if you use test key, it does not make a real payment.
Ayaan2y ago
Yeah if it is test environment with test ck/sk, it doesnt make a real payment if you using live ck/sk for test, you can cancel your payment in our dashboard
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