someguy2y ago

React-native open external app in WebView

We're integrating Connect Pay in our application in React-Native. We getting issues while trying to open the external app from WebView. Following your documents we knew the concept of handling this but this document doesn't mention the way to implement in React-Native. Do you have any guide or document about this issue?
웹뷰(WebView)에서 외부 앱 열기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
브라우저가 아닌 모바일 웹뷰로 결제창을 띄울 때 카드사별 결제 수단을 인증하려면 외부 앱(3rd-party 앱)을 연동해야 합니다. 연동에 필요한 외부 앱 스킴(App URL Scheme)목록과 추가 로직을 살펴보세요.
7 Replies
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someguy2y ago
This is an image of this issue
No description
이실장2y ago
is it happened both ios/android?
이실장2y ago
This is our react guide (sorry for Korean)
이실장2y ago
you should add appscheme or package name (up to OS)
someguy2y ago
Thank you, we'll try it
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