someguy2y ago


I got an error on the live environment. When I use the test key it worked. Pls, help me to resolve it. code: "PAY_PROCESS_ABORTED" message: "현재 서비스 이용이 원활하지 않습니다. 잠시 후 다시 이용 부탁드립니다." orderId: "6f579ce3-94bc-456e-87b1-2789c2e0a3b4"
19 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
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* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요. * 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
이실장2y ago
Can you check mid which you got above error? Also plz tell me the time you got error
someguy2y ago
We use Toss's SDK for mobile devices, with the test key we were fine but when we use the live key for the production environment we constantly got this error.
이실장2y ago
Can you share your test client Key? We will check your key setting
someguy2y ago
here is our test key test_ck_Wd46qopOB89vpeMM7RL3ZmM75y0v
이실장2y ago
You don't have live key in test_ck_Wd46qopOB89vpeMM7RL3ZmM75y0v merchant Where did you check your live key? Can you share us the email that you use to login our developer's center to check api key?
someguy2y ago
Sorry I've sent you the wrong key. This one is our test_ck_O6BYq7GWPVvKoZZ6AqlrNE5vbo1d
이실장2y ago
This live api key is in contract review. You can use live key after the contract. Also merchant Id(mid) of test_ck_O6BYq7GWPVvKoZZ6AqlrNE5vbo1d is cp_xxxxx and this mid is for brandpay service. Do you have any colleague in Korea?
someguy2y ago
I got the point, I'll forward this info to our Korean colleague and let them work with the contract job. Thank you for your support.
이실장2y ago
Do you have your colleague's email address? I need to explain something to him/her, about using right merchantId .
someguy2y ago
Yes, I have. But does this safe to share an email address right here?
토스페이먼츠 BOT
💡 정보 제출
아래 버튼을 눌러 외부로 노출되기 민감한 정보를 제출해주세요
이실장2y ago
You can submit to click button "정보제출"
토스페이먼츠 BOT
정상적으로 제출되었습니다.
이실장2y ago
I got it
토스페이먼츠 BOT
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
someguy2y ago
@이실장 It's me again, we change the client key from another MID and it works. But when we use the secret key to confirm payment it returns UNAUTHORIZED_KEY error. Do you mind checking it for me? This is our orderId 6dae4691-1bf2-4ab3-9deb-ff7e1c596b0b.
이실장2y ago
Can you share us the paymentKey? That you use in confirm payment You didn't complete the card authentication. So the status of 6dae4691-1bf2-4ab3-9deb-ff7e1c596b0b is Expired . So I have no idea that how you call confirm payment, because you never get the paymentKey. Do you have any Korea local card to test?
someguy2y ago
We use KakaoPay for this and KakaoPay said it was success Here is paymentKey 9o5gEq4k6YZ1aOwX7K8mXyRvR4wEP0ryQxzvNPGenpDAlBdb "orderId": "6dae4691-1bf2-4ab3-9deb-ff7e1c596b0b", "paymentKey": "9o5gEq4k6YZ1aOwX7K8mXyRvR4wEP0ryQxzvNPGenpDAlBdb" @이실장 oh, I found the bug, I used a semicolon instead of a colon. I'll try it out. Thank you for your support