Hey, I got error:
javaScript SDK
It's ok with test key but get error with real key when create a request payment. I apply it on flutter webview. Could you help me resolve it?
{"code":"PAY_PROCESS_ABORTED","message":"현재 서비스 이용이 원활하지 않습니다. 잠시 후 다시 이용 부탁드립니다."}
10 Replies
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
오류 문의일 경우 아래 정보를 미리 전달해주시면, 빠른 답변에 도움이 됩니다.
- 주문번호(orderId) :
- 문의 내용 :
(img를 함께 첨부해주시면 도움이됩니다)
* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요.
* 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
It means the payment service has a temporary issue.
Could you try it again or let us the orderID or paymentkey info?
Please help me check with the orderId: 20230118110116320
Thanks, but the problem not happen when i change from real key to test key.
Ok, great.
But I think it is something wrong
Because He said when he change key from real to test
It means Real environment has unexpected error(issue)
As we checked the logs, you are using the linkpay.
But you are trying to use the normal payment API.
Link pay merchant only supports the link pay payment not the normal payment API.
If you need to use the normal payment API, please get the another merchant to use it.
Hey, Could you help me clean about the normal payment API?
I'm following the document to create a request payment
i'm use fullter webview to create it.
It's mean we need register new secret and client key for normal payment?
You need register the another merchant.
@giang It means you need register(contract) for another option.
You are contract with Linkpay option before
But linkpay merchant is only support linkpay
So if you want to use normal payments API,
You need a more contract for making new merchant information
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.