iigor932mo ago

Clarify how work with webhooks

Hi, can you clarify how i need to work with webhooks. I have this flow: 1. Create payment with api method POST/v1/payments 2. Send link checkout.url to customer 3. Customer use that link and pay. 4. ???? HOW I can figure out that customer paid? I dont have webhooks here. 5. I need call POST/v1/payments/confirm to get my money from customer. Can you explain what I should do with item 4. According docs, we don't have webhook after customer pay via checkout.url Thanks! Looking forward your help
21 Replies
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이실장2mo ago
On the step 1 . Have you send parameter confirmMethod?
iigor93OP2mo ago
Hello, no, I didn't. I use this docs, and i see no "confirmMethod" here. https://docs.tosspayments.com/en/api-guide#create-a-payment
Payment APIs | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
The Payment APIs are essential to integrating Toss Payments, whether you are only using our APIs or our SDKs.
이실장2mo ago
Have you contract with us? Do you work for Korea company?
iigor93OP2mo ago
Yes, I do. Store ID (MID) tvivarepublica
이실장2mo ago
That mid is not yours. It's for public What is your service name?
iigor93OP2mo ago
Can I find it somewhere? I have access to account. I've asked my employer, waiting for answer, I'm just a developer
이실장2mo ago
OK I see. Let's talk about origin question. Can you share us the payload that you. all POST v1/payments?
iigor93OP2mo ago
yeah, sure. I took it from example { "method": "CARD", "amount": 6000, "orderId": "6", "orderName": "Toss T-shirts", "successUrl": "http://localhost:8080/success", "failUrl": "http://localhost:8080/fail" } do you need also response - Payment object? { "mId": "tvivarepublica", "lastTransactionKey": null, "paymentKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "orderId": "7", "orderName": "Toss T-shirts", "taxExemptionAmount": 0, "status": "READY", "requestedAt": "2025-01-14T16:42:25+09:00", "approvedAt": null, "useEscrow": null, "cultureExpense": false, "card": null, "virtualAccount": null, "transfer": null, "mobilePhone": null, "giftCertificate": null, "cashReceipt": null, "cashReceipts": null, "discount": null, "cancels": null, "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "type": "NORMAL", "easyPay": null, "country": "KR", "failure": null, "isPartialCancelable": true, "receipt": null, "checkout": { "url": "https://payment-gateway-sandbox.tosspayments.com/link/payment?urlToken=checkout-url-21edab9ea15a4fcba370f1871123cfcbd76277dd9959411aa3710b5668d07e8d&sessionCreationApiVersion=V3&gtid=a25011416c6c585736842e68f70fc479c50c909&flowMode=DEFAULT" }, "currency": "KRW", "totalAmount": 6000, "balanceAmount": 6000, "suppliedAmount": 5455, "vat": 545, "taxFreeAmount": 0, "method": null, "version": "2022-11-16", "metadata": null } i removed 'secret' and 'paymentKey', not sure I can post it here 무지개마트 or 무지개 식당, my employer send this name.
이실장2mo ago
I see. Do you get checkout.url and try payment? Are you successfully move to the successUrl ?
iigor93OP2mo ago
yes, I choosed VISA payment, and entered card number. After this i was moved to 'successUrl', no problem here my question: I dont have webhook here, and according docs it is how it should be.
이실장2mo ago
No description
이실장2mo ago
Webhook is send on the 'blue btn' But when you move to successurl. The status is IN_PROGRESS After you call 'confirm API' status change to "DONE"
iigor93OP2mo ago
yes, and IN_PROGRES where is no webhooks. It's OK. My question is: how I can figure out at what moment I should call 'confrim'?
이실장2mo ago
Right after you move to successUrl you should call confirm API
iigor93OP2mo ago
yeah, I thought about this too, Great. Thank you!
이실장2mo ago
successUrl means payment success X auth success O After you call confirm api, the payment is finally success
iigor93OP2mo ago
yes, next steps i've tried, and no problems there thanks!
이실장2mo ago
https://docs.tosspayments.com/en/index FYI. Here is page for the foreigner who is not famillier with Korean Payment System.
International merchants guide | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
Understand the features and flow of Korean card payments and integrate Toss Payments.
iigor93OP2mo ago
I know, thanks. Google translate helps a lot 😀
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