YoTaro Watanabe
YoTaro Watanabe3mo ago

Refund Transaction for non-taxable and taxable

For an order with taxable and non-taxable, we are sending orders together. However, for refund, we are sending them with two transactions. And after the experiment, we know that for an order with only taxable / only non-taxable, we got refund immediately to the bank. So, if we combine taxable and non-taxable as one component (subAmount) and request as one transaction, can we get immediate refund to the bank?
12 Replies
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유부장3mo ago
Hi @YoTaro Watanabe , Based on my understading, Transaction is one, A, total amount is 100 50 for tax and 50 for non tax you are performing refund request separated for both tax and non-tax and you would like to perform the full-amount refund for this transaction A, and you want to check whether the 50 and 50 can be combined together. please let me know if my understing is incorrect.
YoTaro Watanabe
YoTaro WatanabeOP3mo ago
Hi, yes that is correct. However, my question is if sending together makes refund process (arriving to credit card / bank) faster or not
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee3mo ago
could you share the id of only taxable / only non-taxable orders that you got refund immediately to the bank. ?
today.lastday3mo ago
Basically, it is a card payment, and the difference between tax-free and non-tax-free is conceptual. It is one payment made with the same card. The refund time seems to be the difference between a partial refund and a full refund.
YoTaro Watanabe
YoTaro WatanabeOP3mo ago
Unfortunately I am not comfortable sharing the id here... even with the full refund, when we separate transaction to taxable and non-taxable, it seems we are not receiving refund immediately.
유부장3mo ago
if you perform "full amount" refund, then it will performed immediately, if you perform "partial amount" refund, then it will be takes 2~3 days. You can combine tax and non-tax amount at one time as "full amount" then the refund will be performed immediately.
today.lastday3mo ago
The card company does not know that it is a tax-free payment. This is reported separately to National Tax Service, and it does not slow down the refund time.
유부장3mo ago
Transaction date 1, payment amount 100, tax 50 + non-tax 50. refund request at date 1, with full amount 100 (50+50 together) then refund will be performed immediately.
YoTaro Watanabe
YoTaro WatanabeOP3mo ago
Thank you! I think the reason we are not getting full refund on the same day for the tax + non-tax is because we are separating the transaction.
유부장3mo ago
I see, thank you for the info. As Tosspayments prospective, will be as below tax and non-tax is not affecting the refund schedule. Full amount cancelation at the date of the payment = immediate Full amount cancelation not the date of the payment = 2~3 days Partial amount cancelation = 2~3 days
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