Emma7mo ago

Toss payment billing with Bubble.io

Hi everyone, I'm working on the Toss payment billing in Bubble.io, as a plugin. In the card registration process, I thought it is supposed to go to 1 of 2 pages: success or fail. But even when it's failed, it still go to the success page, is that the way this process work? or I did something wrong?
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
what was your costomerkey when you got this error? success page means issuing auth code was success. Then you request billlingkey using auth code. the error came from requesting billing key so payment window -> successURL-> request billlkey- > error
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
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EmmaOP7mo ago
what is the customer key supported to be? I'm sorry, I'm still new to these things, I took the user unique id for the customer key.
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
You shoud read this guide first. this page explains what is customerkey and why you send it.
EmmaOP7mo ago
I'm creating the subcription payment (automatically pay once every month), so what should I do now? Putting this workflow in the backend and make it run once every month?
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
yes, payment by billkey is for actual payment. so you can running a workflow and call it whenever you want
EmmaOP7mo ago
I'm sorry, what you said make me confused. As I know, Billing is specialized for recurring automatic payments (regular payment), not actual payment.
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
yes you are right.
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EmmaOP7mo ago
Hi, me again. Thank you for your support. I'm still struggling with the Toss billing. Could you tell me where I need to get the customerKey from? Because from what I read, the customer Key shouldn't be the user ID.
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EmmaOP7mo ago
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee7mo ago
customerkey is the value that was requesting from your side when you asked the billingkey. it is generate by your side not ours. but you should enter same value in billingwindow and calling api.
EmmaOP7mo ago
thank you

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