Need help on Tracing the payment record log. Is it returning 400 or 200 to request?
Hi team, is there any way we can track the API billing charging is returning 200 or 400 status code to us?
We found the payment is completed but API returning non 200 status code. can help check ?
19 Replies
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
오류 문의일 경우 아래 정보를 미리 전달해주시면, 빠른 답변에 도움이 됩니다.
- 주문번호(orderId) :
- 문의 내용 :
(img를 함께 첨부해주시면 도움이됩니다)
* 계약관련 내용은 1544-7772로 문의주세요.
* 주말/공휴일에는 답변이 늦을 수 있어요.
could you share the orderID?
will there be any limit to call API?
for 1 sec
Yes there is,
if there is any duplicated request within 1 sec, then we will return error
ahh no wonder
any recommendation
1 sec can have how many requests
so we can adjust accordingly
we are returning error if the second request is exactly same as first one.
so you may check your side whether your system is performing the api call continuously
u mean parameter all same?
if different parameter no issue?
yes, unless your requests are more than 100 within 1 sec
if let say i wanna charge like 700 transactions
so every API perform i need to wait 1 seconds
700 transactions within 1 sec?
currently i using for loop to call API
worry will affect
shall i put sleep 1 second after each call
if you think that your requests will more than 100,
then let us know at the time.
i think will have
anything i shall do?
i think i put sleep 1 second
is better right?
is your total billing requests are reaching million or somethig?
if not, please separate those requests
yes, put sleep then should be fine
okay..thanks a lot...can help delete our order ID above? for security concern
sure sure
I have deleted my message also
appreciate it
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