About Card Number Masking

I use APIs to make payments. In the API response, I noticed that we receive a card object. The object looks like this:

"card": {
"issuerCode": "71",
"acquirerCode": "71",
"number": "12345678****000*",
"installmentPlanMonths": 0,
"isInterestFree": false,
"interestPayer": null,
"approveNo": "00000000",
"useCardPoint": false,
"cardType": "신용",
"ownerType": "개인",
"acquireStatus": "READY",
"receiptUrl": "https://dashboard.tosspayments.com/receipt/redirection?transactionId=tviva20240213121757MvuS8&ref=PX",
"amount": 1000

"card": {
"issuerCode": "71",
"acquirerCode": "71",
"number": "12345678****000*",
"installmentPlanMonths": 0,
"isInterestFree": false,
"interestPayer": null,
"approveNo": "00000000",
"useCardPoint": false,
"cardType": "신용",
"ownerType": "개인",
"acquireStatus": "READY",
"receiptUrl": "https://dashboard.tosspayments.com/receipt/redirection?transactionId=tviva20240213121757MvuS8&ref=PX",
"amount": 1000
In card.number, I want to show only the last 4 digits, while masking the rest of the card number with asterisks. "number": "**0000" Is it possible?
6 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee6mo ago
No, we only provide 12345678****000* format masking
today.lastday6mo ago
This is because of the Personal Information Protection in Korea.
Mohammad Hasibul Hasan
@냥과장 @박수습 Can we change the masking format from admin panel like "***********0000"
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee6mo ago
No, the admin panel also use same masking policy. 12345678****000*
토스페이먼츠 BOT
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.