Testing Payment Gateway
How do I test the payment gateway using the test key? What payment method do I choose and what details do I enter?
10 Replies
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You must have a credit card or bank account used in Korea to make a test payment.
This is because authentication proceeds in the same way as in a live environment.
For development purposes, you can receive a success response without using a payment method.
Just add the _skipAuth parameter to requestPayment().
=> '_skipAuth' : 'FORCE_SUCCESS',
If I add this parameter with the live key,will it work?
No, it will not.
So it only works with the test key?
Am I allowed to ask another question related to the API but not this topic in this thread?
or do I make another post
another post is better
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.