khalid9mo ago

Billing key with foreign card

We're considering tosspayments for subscription/payment services on our website. One of requirements is to provide monthly recurring payments with Korean & Foreign cards. That means user registers his card and it's used for monthly payments. According to API documentation I need to use 자동결제 API and issue billing key. However documentation also mentions that billing API doesn't support foreign cards in here고객-카드-등록하기 (해외카드, 해외결제는 지원하지 않습니다). So I was wondering if my understanding is correct? And if there's any way to 카드 등록 with 해외카드
자동결제(빌링) 결제창 연동하기 | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
자동결제는 다른 이름으로 빌링, 또는 정기결제로 불리는 결제 방식입니다. 카드 등록창에서 고객의 카드를 한 번만 등록하고 나면, 별도의 고객 인증 없이 간편하게 결제를 요청할 수 있습니다.
6 Replies
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유부장9mo ago
Hi khalid, As you noticed, Billing method with oversea card (card that issued outside of korea) is not supported.
khalid9mo ago
thanks for quick reply. Then, is there any other way to support 자동결제 with 해외카드, for example brandpay? or better consider another PG service
유부장9mo ago
Sadly no for brandpay either. 😦
khalid9mo ago
I see, thanks for help!
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