Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul Hasan12mo ago

Is this possible to redirect user to a link when they click on cross

When the user is redirected to the checkout url if the user clicks on the cross (shown in the screenshot) button it just shows loading for unlimited time. Is it possible to redirect the user back to our site or and predefined cancel url? we didn't find any way to redirect the user in this situation.. After successful payment it redirects to success url but just loading when the cross is clicked.. is there any solution? TIA
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32 Replies
토스페이먼츠 BOT
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이실장12mo ago
Share us the video that capture the whole screen Right situation is move to the failUrl.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
@이실장 here is the video
토스페이먼츠 BOT
💡 정보 제출
민감 정보를 안전하게 제출해주세요
이실장12mo ago
can you give me the secretKey that you use? you can submit from above button Never share secretKey in public area I already check it wait plz
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
well my bad i think it's automatically removed. @이실장 Any update?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
Could you check there are any errors in your browser console?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
Nothing in console.
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Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
We found there are some issues to handle X button in PC. I will report it to our Dev team. I will let you know the update later.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
thank you.
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
Could you add windowTarget: “SELF” parameter to make the checkout URL?
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
@냥과장 will it work for mobile and pc?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
@냥과장 we also face some problems with samsung pay get this screen
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
it seems your merchant does not use samsungpay.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP12mo ago
@냥과장 @이실장 The type of card owner. 개인, 법인, 미확인 can you please explain About cardOwner Type. This is a different question from the title. We are using Slack Connect as a communication tool. Could it be possible for your company to respond using Slack Connect?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee12mo ago
개인 : personal 법인 : owned by corperate 미확인 : unknown.
토스페이먼츠 BOT
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP11mo ago
@냥과장 @냥과장 This is a different question from the title. We are using Slack Connect as a communication tool. Could it be possible for your company to respond using Slack Connect?
today.lastday11mo ago
Basically, we communicate using email and Discord.
Hasibul Hasan
Hasibul HasanOP11mo ago
@박수습 @냥과장 @이실장 Is their anyway to connect with us with slack??
이실장11mo ago
Please contact the sales/operations manager of your company. We do not have the permission to open Slack.
Mohammad Hasibul Hasan
@이실장 @냥과장 We can see that If we call the Payment Create API (https://api.tosspayments.com/v1/payments/) but do not call the Payment Approve API (https://api.tosspayments.com/v1/payments/confirm), the transaction will be in an IN_PROGRESS/READY state. Tosspay give us 30-minute to call the Payment Approve API. If we do not call the Payment Approve API within this 30-minute window, the transaction will move to an EXPIRED state. The Question is there any api or way to freeze the transaction amount before calling the Payment Approve API and allow us to call the approve api even after 30 minutes? If so is there any api to void the payment manually if not approved api is called and unfreeze the amount?
이실장11mo ago
everything no. Why is need more than 30 min?
Mohammad Hasibul Hasan
For our business purpose.
이실장11mo ago
After the payment window is created, there are no instances in Korea where it takes more than 30 minutes. Numerous merchants are already operating in this manner. Moreover, once the customer is redirected to the successUrl, their role is considered complete.
Mohammad Hasibul Hasan
Okay thank you for your cooperation @이실장 Hi. Good Morning We are using https://api.tosspayments.com link to test/development, Is this link is same for Production/Live Payment?
이실장11mo ago
yes same production and live is distinguish by api key (test and live)
Mohammad Hasibul Hasan
@이실장 Thank You.
today.lastday11mo ago
@Mohammad Hasibul Hasan Please write new questions in separate posts. It helps other people.

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