Mastercard not showing up in payment window
I'm a developer from Polestar and we are adding a new store to our account and when we are loading the payments solutions we are not seeing mastercard as an option. Is that something we can activate by ourselves in the portal somewhere or how do you activate the different payment methods?
Kind regards //David
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Hi David @Akira
May we know the MID (or API Key) that you have tried?
API Key: test_sk_jExPeJWYVQRXo00MEWWpr49R5gvN
Seems your contract is not including the Mastercard,
Do you want us to add for you in test environment only?
can you do that?
that would be great 🙂
or, how about to use bypass authentication function?
it only works in test environment, and you do not need to perform any action and can bypass then authentication for your payment
Not familiar with that, do you have any documentation on how to do that?
Mastercard in the test environment would be our preffered way of testing though since it lines up with our other payment solutions 😉
I see,
let us communicate internally.
could you email to just for the reference?
Of course 👍
Email sent
Are you able to activate mastercard now or will it take a while? 🙂
well received!
Please allow us some time, we will get back to you via email
❤️ 기술문의 경험이 어떠셨나요?!
간단히 코멘트 남겨주세요! 제품 발전에 큰 힘이 됩니다.