Enzo Yoon
Enzo Yoon2y ago

inquiring about the brand pay error.

Dear Brandpay, We have a product want to implement brandpay sdk on that, but during the time we implement we see an error (image attached) At the first time, we can register brandpay method and pay success. But from the second time, an error "This payment method aready registered" appears when we used the account we registered before. Can you guys help me give a solution for that? this is the code we implemented: brandpay .requestAgreement("회원가입") // 자동 결제 선택 약관 동의 호출 회원가입, 카드, 계좌, 빌링 .then(function () { console.log("requestAgreement ok"); brandpay.openSettings().catch(function (error) { if (error.code === "USER_CANCEL") { // 사용자가 창을 닫아 취소한 경우에 대한 처리 } }); brandpay .addPaymentMethod("계좌") // card: 카드 account: 계좌 .then(function (methods) { console.log("addPaymentMethod", methods); // 성공 처리 brandpay .requestPayment({ amount: "200", // 결제 금액 orderId: orderId, // 주문에 대한 고유한 ID 값 orderName: "토스 티셔츠 외 2건", // 결제에 대한 주문명 }) ......
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25 Replies
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⏳ 잠시만 기다려주세요! 곧 답변드리겠습니다
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
This error means your account was already registered. Please check get the method list of this user
Enzo Yoon
Enzo Yoon2y ago
Can you give us the guide line url of "get method list" function? it's hard to find that metod on develop page
today.lastday2y ago
브랜드페이 API | 토스페이먼츠 개발자센터
브랜드페이에서 제공하는 API 엔드포인트(Endpoint)와 객체 정보, 파라미터, 요청 및 응답 예제를 살펴보세요.
Enzo Yoon
Enzo Yoon2y ago
api: POST: https://api.tosspayments.com/v1/brandpay/identities/mobile/confirm REQUEST payload: {"customerKey":"qa3","authNumber":"286849","requestKey":"pa_dYEQyoAZK7R"} response: {"code":"UNKNOWN_ERROR","message":"An unknown error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes."} could you please check it?
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Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
You need to the Korean based telephone number, do you have it? According to the server log, you entered right information. I will check it again. We have some issue to setup the merchant, cp_hklogizr5a. Now it is fixed so please do it again.
Neojack2y ago
@냥과장 we also having the exact same issue for MID: cp_merial76 and CP_koreama6Ml please fix ASAP
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
Let me check I had fixed it.
Neojack2y ago
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
You can change it in the development center by yourself
Neojack2y ago
@냥과장 can you check for us what payment methods are enabled for - merial80 ? we are told to use this for tosspayments card and bank for brandpay ( card and bank) we use cp_merial76
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
marial80 is not for Brandpay
Neojack2y ago
yes we dont plan to use. that for brandpay
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
The brandpay merchant ID must starts with cp_
Neojack2y ago
normal tosspayment im asking about we use cp_merial76 for brandpay that seems to be working ok now
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
It enables card and bank trasfer
Neojack2y ago
ok thanks for checking. we will contine to test
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
hm.. but it also enables billing. That means you can only use the billing payments for card
Neojack2y ago
billing payments? im not sure what this is.. maybe this is why we are getting error?
Neojack2y ago
we have those MID .. want to use one that is not being used for the new webshop .. for standard card and bank transfer
No description
Neojack2y ago
can you advise which one we should use?
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
I cannot, these were created by requests from your team. Someone should know what MID for what payment method.
Neojack2y ago
yeah you would think so 🙂 .. ok ill check with them again thanks
Kimoon Lee
Kimoon Lee2y ago
Ok thanks.
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